5 key takeaways to get your communication out of a rut - a quick read.

5 key takeaways to get your communication out of a rut - a quick read
We could say a lot about the importance of good communication in all of the relationships we enjoy. And actually, in this blog, I have!
You’ll find a lot about the basics of assertiveness and active listening and the importance of communication overall. You’ll also find insights on some of the things that prevent us from communicating well and can even cause conflict as a result. If it seems like a lot to remember while also trying to apply in real life, you’re right.
So, I’ve distilled down to the most essential and effective tips to effective communication irrespective of who you are communicating with.
Practice the basics and work on them continuously
The basics can be associated with boring. And I’ll admit, assertiveness and active listening don’t sound very exciting, which is unfortunate because they’re so important! Resist the tendency to gloss over these skills or assume that you’re already doing them. Since they are the foundation of communication, you’ll want to consider them a constant work in progress. Need a refresher on what assertiveness and active listening sounds like? Book a session to discuss [email protected]
Break down your barriers
Have you ever felt like even the basics are impossible? That can be very discouraging, but it’s also very common. The thing is, basic doesn’t mean easy. Often, there are barriers that prevent you from letting down your defenses and being vulnerable enough to truly hear each other. If you feel like you keep falling into the same negative patterns that desolve discussions into arguments, then book a session to discuss in a confidential setting [email protected]
Decrease defensiveness
One of the most common communication barriers that people experience is defensiveness. It has a way of morphing one innocent comment into a full-blown argument, shutting down any chance of a productive conversation. The tough thing about defensiveness is that it’s not something you can simply “stop.” It takes intention, self-reflection and self-awareness to decrease defensiveness in your interactions.
Be mindful of these habits
Unfortunately, defensiveness is just one of things that can creep in and sabotage good communication. Even with the best of intentions, we can inadvertently undermine ourselves without even realizing it. Being mindful of the physical, mental, and emotional habits that contribute to misunderstandings and misinterpretations can help you communicate with more clarity and intention.
Talk about your connection often – and not just during conflict
Do you only discuss your connection when there’s conflict? That’s a major skill in itself, so give yourself props. But talking about your relationship (whatever that relationship is) when things are going well is actually a great opportunity for even more connection and growth. You can focus on your strengths and how you might lean into them to become even stronger. If the thought of bringing up the topic makes you cringe, don’t worry, it will feel awkward at first and easier as you do more of it.
There is no shortage of communication tips and it can be overwhelming figuring out where to start.
Hopefully these key takeaways give you just what you need to get out of a rut or take your communication to the next level.
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