Application for Scholarship

If you are a successful scholarship applicant, you will be offered part or full subsidy for the registration component of any of the programs available through Carer Care International.

Scholarships are available as generous others have donated funds to Carer Care Inc, or a grant have been received or by bequeaths and by 10% of profits from other entities being donated to Carer Care Inc.

If you are a successful applicant, you have a wonderful opportunity to be supported and to equip yourself with new learning.

The scholarship does not cover any other associated costs OTHER THAN a subsidy of the registration fee.

A strict criteria exists for scholarship applicants as it is not possible to provide a subsidized fee to all who deserve and need assistance.

Things to consider before you apply:

  1. Do you work in a role where you professionally care for others?
  2. Are you prepared to complete all components of the program, such as attend workshops/participate in forums/complete tasks between sessions? 
  3. Are you prepared to provide a photo and a testimonial at the completion of the program to be placed on this website as an encouragement to others?
  4. Are you prepared to implement your new learning in your community AND provide information about what you have done and how you have incorporated new knowledge to the benefit of others and for that information to be showcased as a way of encouraging others?
  5. Do you live in an area where you have access to the internet so that you can participate in the programs?
  6. At this stage, English is the only available language for each program - are you able to write and speak in English?

If you can say yes to each of the questions above and are 100% committed, please submit your application to be assessed for a fee subsidy for a program/course available through Carer Care International.

Applicant numbers are capped for each workshop.


Applications are now open.

Do you believe that YOU can make the desired changes and fulfill the responsibility of being a successful scholarship applicant?

Please submit your application now

Get started today before this  opportunity expires.

All information supplied by you remains confidential. Your email address will be added to our email list so that you can receive updates, access to bonuses and resources to support you. You may unsubscribe at any time.

Do you have some questions...not a problem. Please complete the form below and we will get back to you shortly.

Please remember, numbers are capped and you must address the application process to be considered for a scholarship.

All information supplied by you remains confidential. Your email address will be added to our email list so that you can receive updates, access to bonuses and resources to support you. You may unsubscribe at any time.