Resolving Workplace Conflict

A single workplace dispute can create chaos in an otherwise functional, proactive and successful business or organisation. 

Mediation is a way of managing conflict

A Mediator is an impartial person that helps team members to resolve their disagreements. The intention is to ease workplace tensions before they escalate into something more damaging. Mediation differs from disciplinary and grievance procedures by offering a structured yet informal process where parties in dispute have the opportunity to discuss their concerns and take responsibility for resolving the issues between them.

When to use Mediation

You can use mediation at any point during a conflict, as long as all of those involved agree to do so and it has been assessed as safe to conduct the Mediation by the engaged Mediator.


Generally, mediation is best used when a disagreement first arises, as the longer a dispute goes on, the greater the chances that people's relationships will break down or that they will raise formal grievances.


Mediation can be used in disagreements between members of the same team, or between co-workers at different levels of seniority. It can be particularly  useful when communication between people has broken down.

Here are the steps to get started...

Get assistance to resolve the conflict...

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Other services available


Resilience First Aid Starter Training

Learn how to create a supportive environment through psychosocial hazard awareness in the 2 hour workshop.

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Resilience First Aid Responder Training

14 hr Resilience First Aid accredited mental health program certification. Proven preventative program to build peer support and personal resilience skills.

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High Adversity Resilience Training

14 hr accredited program to build advanced resilience skills in workers exposed  to extreme adversity.

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Professional support is available with or without a medical referral with appointments available online during and after business hours.

Learn more HERE


Changing challenges into triumphs, moving forward despite what has or is happening. Several packages are available to choose from. 

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Courses are available that focus on resilience skills, practitioner self care and emotional well being.

Learn more HERE